Thursday, July 26, 2012

Pain is Pain, the importance of perspective.

Life isn't easy. I don't care who you are. We all have our own unique set of problems and tough times that we have to navigate our way through. It is important to me to always remember that pain is pain, everyone feels it, and your pain doesn't make someone else's pain any less.

 I do my best to never enter one of those conversations that ends up in a contest to see who's pain wins, who's pain is greater. Isn't it bad enough that there is pain in both peoples lives? The pain I deal with as an adult with CHD doesn't make a friend  who has a headaches pain any less.

It is tempting at times to want to yell and scream at those who complain of seemingly minor pains and troubles. You've just got to remember is their pain is no less because of yours. If that was the case I'd put Tylenol out of business! Have a head ache? No problem! Let me tell you about a day in my shoes...there feel better? No! Why? Because pain is pain.

It is hard to keep perspective sometimes, but I really believe that perspective is the most important thing you can have in life. . I don't have the answers, in fact I am still looking for most of them, but hopefully writing things down in this way and sharing them with others I can find that I am not alone out here in the universe.

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