Friday, July 27, 2012


I’m cleaning house today…I am such a pack rat. I try very hard not to keep things I don’t need, however, I am very good at coming up with a need for everything. Today’s challenge is “the box” I think almost every woman I know has one of these boxes. Chely Wright even wrote this song about “the box”

It’s full of memories of every kind, the good, the bad and occasionally the embarrassing. The problem is, I don’t have just one…or even just two of these boxes, I have four. I keep every note, every letter, movie ticket, concert ticket, any ticket of any kind…I keep it. I keep menus, keys, and rocks. Bottle caps, happy meal toys, and the cheesy beads no longer reserved for Mardi Gras that show up at just about any holiday where you might end up drinking.

I live in a tiny one bedroom apartment, I have to pear this stuff down but how do you choose between memories? If I was Martha Stewart and had unlimited time and recourses these things would be in a scrap book and shadow boxes in no time. Sadly and thankfully, I am not Martha Stewart, who has that kind of time? I have ever birthday card my grandmother has given to me since the age of 12 when it occurred to me that there would come a day that she wouldn’t be writing me one. It took me a little longer to realize that same fact about my mother, meaning I have 15 birthday cards from her. I can’t even imagine how many cards and letters are in there from time spent in the hospital. People I barely even knew cared enough to send me well wishes. While some would say the fact that I barely knew them was reason enough that they could be put in the pitch pile, I find many of them more heartwarming that the ones from people I hold dear. Of course those I love will send their wishes, it is a blessing that those whom I was not as close cared to send theirs.

Like most things I am sure I am over thinking, and the actual solution is just to get an even bigger box and find clutter to eliminate in some other part of my home. I just don’t want to end up on Hoarders…you know? 

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